Investing for future generations
Investing for Future Generations
Triple Point's Estate Planning Solutions target predictable returns and capital growth by investing in businesses that are eligible for Business Relief. These investments create value by enabling public and private sector organisations to acquire assets, deliver services and support UK growth and employment.
Triple Point manages a number of estate planning services, including the Triple Point Estate Planning Service (TPEPS). Investments made through TPEPS are eligible for Business Relief after a maximum of two years and currently provide investors with access to TP Leasing Ltd and/or Navigator Trading Ltd.
Target Returns Per Annum
Generations Strategy (1.5% - 2.5%)
Navigator Strategy (4.0% - 6.0%)
50/50 blend target (3.5%)
Target Investment Sectors
Leasing and Lending, Low Carbon Infrastructure and Social Housing
Minimum Investment
Maximum Investment
There is no maximum.
Additional Contributions
£10,000 or more at any time, (each 'top up' will take up to two years to become IHT exempt).
Flexibility and Control
Investors can make new investments at any time and are able to access their funds through regular or ad hoc withdrawals. Triple Point does not charge a fee for switching between strategies (stamp duty may apply).